not summarize your topic. You can write an essay about postal service, but you
must make a film about a letter.
not obey 3 basic principles: sociological, poetical, technical.
not ignore the script. Do not make a film with your luck. Once the script is
done, your film is done. So, if you are making your film now you can start
preparing the next one.
Do not think story can be told by only narrating, it should be told by vision
and sound. Unnecessary narrating makes people uncomfortable.
Bear in mind that every single shot you toke is a part of your film. A shot in
a wrong place can be bad, even the most beautiful shot
Do not create unnecessary
shooting angle. An unsuitable angle will only ruin the atmosphere.
Do not use too many fast-paced cutting skills. The faster they are the more
likely to be the most beautiful adagio.
Do not over use music. If you do so, the audience will refuse to listen to it.
Do not over use live sound. It is better to use it suggestively or
Do not use too many light effects, or make it too complicated. Dissolve, fate
in and fate out is the punctuation of you film, they are your comma and period.
Do not use too many close-up shots. Save it until the climax. In a
balance-structured film, close-up shots appear naturally. If they are too many,
it will smothery and lost its importance.
When dealing with people, don’t hesitate. Human and animal are all beautiful.
You should tell the story clearly. A real subject must be told simply and
clearly, but it doesn’t means to theatricalize it.
Do not abandon the chance of experiment, the name of documentary all come from
experiment. Without experiment, documentary has no value even not exist.
14 tenets from John Grierson are the tenets for me to look at documentary, and
also help me to develop my own works.