
Film Introduction

My film is a 14 minutes documentary. It mainly tells about the work and life of fishermen in two different countries: UK and China. There are unanticipated hazards and unknown hardships. Certainly, there are also felicific touching things and beautiful sceneries. People there are hard working, earthy, hospitable and a little shy. Here are their most authentic records.

In fact, this research was a big challenge. At first, I thought documentary didn’t need specific story, and can be made by filming directly. After watching many different types of documentaries, I found the most touching documentary is meaningful with sincere and moving stories. Moreover, my current research is how a documentary can impress people.
I traveled to two different seaside cities of China three times for this work. I knew their lives by talking with them. In fact, the first fisherman I found was my uncle, but every going out to sea for more than half a month caused a great obstacle for shooting. I had to find other fishermen. The second city is Zhoushan. With an enthusiastic friend’s help, I found a fisherman who could take us out to sea. Together with my Chinese team, we finished shooting, and mainly recorded the fishing, net-weaving and fish market.
The city I chose in the UK is Whitby. The first time I went there, I found the enthusiastic fishermen to help me luckily. Through constant communication from then on, my team and I came to this beautiful seaside city again. We did a wonderful interview, recorded their going out to sea before dawn and the working scenes in the market when they came back, as well as the stunning sceneries.
I hope you can see the realest fishermen life experiences and feel their sincerity in this work. Here you can also see my growth.



Final cut

I started the film selection work once getting this roll of film back. I filmed 8 hours for England and 7 hours for China.

The video-editing could not follow the original designs because of the unexpected frames and the limitation of the time, etc. occurred in filming. Selecting films and numbering them have to be done at the very start. Since there are too much film contents, I spent three days on editing the data. After that, I spent another few days on watching the film, and then re-planning the movie clip. The entire film length is 14 minutes when doing the editing initially. The first frame of the film is that a family member of a Chinese fisherman is netting, then the film skips to the frame that British fishermen went to sea at 2:00 in the morning until their ships disappeared in the middle of the sea. Then the film showed the empty port from dark to dawn and following is the frame that Chinese fishermen were fishing on the sea. After the fishing frame is a scene of the British fishermen coming back from the sea, then they carried these seafood to the market, weighed these seafood and recorded by the businessman. Then the scene of selling seafood in Chinese fish market appeared, and a fisherman killing a fish is the last scene of the Chinese fishermen. Then followed by the communication scenes between British fishermen and us interspersed with the scenery of this city.

Afterwards, my mentor and my classmates in my group watched this short film and offered a lot of suggestions and their opinions. There are mainly:
1. Postpone the scene of weaving fishing nets at beginning of the film to the scene of Chinese fish market in the following scenario.
2. Edit out the repetitive scenes in the film.
3. Divide the background music into two kinds, one for Chinese scenes and the other for British scenes.
4. Put letters in the film in order to let the audience understand which country the scene is.
5. Add the scenes of interviewing with fishermen.

Therefore, the film includes the following scenes ultimately:
1. The scene of British fishermen going out to sea
2. The scene of interviewing with British fishermen
3. The scene of fishing on the sea of Chinese fishermen
4. The scene of British fishermen returning to base, handling the seafood and trading with the businessmen.
5. The scene of interviewing with British fishermen
6. The scene of a variety of seafood in Chinese fish market, killing the fish in the market and weaving fishnets.
7. The scene of British fisherman’s interaction with us and the scenes of some cities.

1.  英国渔民出海的场景
2.  英国渔民的访谈
3.  中国渔民海上捕鱼的场景
4.  英国渔民返航搬运海鲜和商人交易的场景
5.  英国渔民的访谈
6.  中国鱼市场各种海鲜、市场杀鱼还有家中织网的场景

7.  英国渔民和我们互动的场景和一些城市的场景



As one of the performance elements, music makes a great contribution to deepening film’s main idea and the integrity and orderliness of the film narrative structure. Documentary with music inserted in good time can reveal the profound meaning more delicately and vividly and increase brilliance to the documentary itself.

The lyric feature of music acting on the documentary can give full play to the emotional appeal of various artistic elements such as color, music, sound and subtitles, and thus strengthen the thoughts and feelings of the documentary. Music can go deep into people’s inner world, and the emotions and thoughts of the character as well as the volatility of events can be expressed most vividly. Even the scenes of general natural scenery will be cast a charming atmosphere, resulting in a huge intoxicating artistic charm.

I selected two pieces of music in total for this film. My film contained scenes from Britain and China two countries, and their scenes are interspersed with each other. So I selected two kinds of music to represent and distinguish their scenes respectively on a national basis. British are more cheerful and enthusiastic, and there are many interesting shots in the film. So I chose lively and dynamic music for them, and people can feel their happy atmosphere. Chinese people are relatively shy, and the most scenes are hard-working scenario in the film. So the music I chose is full of Chinese classical music elements so that the audience can feel that they have melt into the music.

I chose the naughty lively music as the ending music of the film, for our interaction with the fishermen was very warm and funny at the end of the film. I hope the music can also infect the audience.



China shoot
