
猎杀本·拉登 Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. Zero Dark Thirty reunites the Oscar winning team of director-producer Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker) for the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man.

Considering the subject matter of Zero Dark Thirty, a film that follows the CIA's decade-long hunt for Osama Bin Laden, it'd be little surprise were Hollywood to knock the edges off a little to make it easier for a broader audience. But director Kathryn Bigelow makes no such concession. Off the back of her Oscar-winning feature The Hurt Locker; her movie is pulls-no-punches, under-your-skin drama. As such, it's not always the easiest film to watch, but it is an utterly compelling one.

At the heart of it is Jessica Chastain, playing CIA officer Maya. She's the anchor of Zero Dark Thirty, and it's her drive and determination that underpins the ongoing search. Bigelow employs a broad ensemble, unsurprising given the length of time the film's story covers, but she too is a standpoint. She's emerged as one of America's most compelling, interesting directors, and Zero Dark Thirty is an exceptional, bold piece of film making.

The disc features some welcome extra material that digs a little deeper, but it's on something of a hiding to nothing, given the strength and ferocity of the main feature itself. A modern classic? Maybe, maybe not. But Zero Dark Thirty is a film, either way, which simply demands to be seen. --Jon Foster

I admit that 911 is not a theme that is easy to take. On the very contrary, it is a theme that is so difficult and so error-prone that a director becomes totally discredited in a very short period of time if any slightest mistake occurs. In last year Daldry made a challenge from a subjective and emotional perspective, but he did not receive any good results. In this year, Bigelow told a story from another direction, a more objective and rational perspective. I think it is at least much better.

As for the movies of B, no matter in Zero Dark Thirty or The Hurt Locker, the director’s attitude to the war and revenge is difficult to be defined out. She is more like trying to describe events with a neutral attitude: support or protest against war, agree or disagree with revenge, it is just personal experience after watching her movies. What the audience has seen via director’s lens is human state: the exhausted CIA analyst in Zero Dark Thirty, or the soldier who is almost morbidly fascinated with bomb disposal in The Hurt Locker.

Overall, I think: 1. this movie is very good, and I don’t feel 3 hours is a long time; 2. it begins with the record on the day of 911 - the blank screen and phone records of victims before being killed, which is very shocking; 2. Various serious cruel tortures in CIA 3. The CIA female staff member acts very well.


